Shandong Yuchuang Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd minangka salah sawijining produksi profesional lan perusahaan dodolan bantalan rol toroidal sing ngasilake P5 livel.CARB bantalan rol toroidal lan jinis bantalan kualitas dhuwur liyane.Produk utamane digunakake kanggo sabuk conveyor, terus-terusan kastor, knop, mesin tenun, mesin nggawe kertas ing kabeh perusahaan lan institusi industri.
Stable and reliable support roller system can work normally in a high-temperature radiation environment of 1500 ℃
Has the ability to absorb the axial movement of the roller due to thermal expansion
Due to the large load-bearing capacity of the guide roller, there is a problem of deformation, so the continuous casting bearing should have the function of automatic centering
In addition to functioning well under heavy radial loads, CARB toroidal roller bearings also perform very well when subjected to light loads.
The service life has been extended, higher than the rolling mill
Capable of working normally in harsh environments such as acidic water, dust, scale debris, and dirt.
Ing jagad rekayasa lan mesin presisi, bantalan bal alur jero minangka komponen pondasi, misuwur kanthi fleksibilitas lan efisiensi. Istilah "alur jero" nuduhake geometri raceway ing bantalan, sing dirancang kanggo ndhukung beban radial lan aksial sing akeh, dadi pilihan sing disenengi kanggo macem-macem aplikasi.